Saturday, August 28, 2010

Que paso?

I want to speak a little about illegal immigration, because it’s an important issue regarding America today. I think we need some new perspective on it.

I want to start by saying that I don’t advocate illegal immigration in the least bit. I think people should come here legally and all that jazz. In addition to that, however, I don’t advocate the way our government handles legal immigration.

The process of becoming a citizen of this country of ours, which I truly believe is the greatest country in the world, is so difficult and convoluted, and such a long journey, it’s no wonder that people come here illegally! I listen to this radio show, and one of the hosts was originally born in Bolivia. His family moved to America when he was in his early teens, everything was legal and all, but it took him until he turned 18 to become a legal full citizen. And his parents weren’t poor farm workers. His father was an internationally renowned doctor, and his mother graduated from college. It still took years and years for him and his siblings to become citizens. And shit loads of money! I believe he said about $5,000 for each person. 2 parents and 3 children. $25,000 for 5 people to become citizens. I’m not sure if these numbers are normal (or entirely accurate, I’m going off memory), but if they’re even close to accurate, then we need to seriously rethink illegal immigration and becoming a citizen.

I got in a discussion with one of my teachers, who was very anti-illegal immigration. I’m sort of ambivalent about it. I think it’s more or less harmless. I know, I know, they mooch our government’s money, I’ll get to that later. Anyway, my teacher was saying “Look at all the European immigration in the early 1900’s. All legal, etc.” I retorted with, “Exactly, look at it. What did they have to do? They got off the boat at Ellis Island, stood in lines for hours and hours, got a physical, and within a day they were a citizen.”

If the process was as complicated back then as it is today, you best believe illegal immigration would have been huge. If you want to end it today, this is what you do. Set up about 15 huge buildings at various points along the Mexican-American border, fill it with bi-lingual people and doctors, and tell people that all they need to do is come to these buildings, get a physical, fill out basic forms, and they’re good. Illegal immigration would no longer be a problem.

Also, let’s point out what people aren’t talking about. People in America would not be bitching nearly as much if this was with Europeans. There is still a huge undercurrent of racism in America. We don’t like to talk about it, but it is a factor in this discussion. We don’t like the idea that Mexican and Latin dudes are coming in. If it were white people, yeah, we would be pissed. But not on this level, I don’t think.

Now, to the whole “they’re stealing our tax dollars.” You know what, I can’t say anything against that. I honestly can’t. Illegal immigration costs billions and billions of dollars for America.

But don’t forget what they do for you. Don’t complain about your tax dollars being spent on them, and then go to the store and buy a bushel of apples for a dollar. Illegal immigration provides a vast amount of cheap labor. And, frankly, they’ll do the jobs that other people won’t. Americans, especially white Americans, have this sense of pride with themselves. We don’t want to do the jobs that aliens do.

I dislike illegal immigration, but I dislike the way our government handles citizenship. Becoming a citizen of this great nation should not be as difficult as it is. Make it easier and the problem fixes itself.