Saturday, July 25, 2009

To Be Or Not To Be?

Why is it considered insane to talk to yourself? I rather enjoy the company that I provide. I think we judge too harshly those who take pleasure in (I feel the need for honesty—I was going to put enjoy instead of take pleasure in, but since I had already used that in the last sentence I used the MWord thesaurus and it provided take pleasure in, so it’s not my creation. I felt the need to say that, for reasons unknown to me.) a chat with themselves. I personally talk to myself quite often especially when I’m alone.

Often times when I’m alone I’ll make weird noises and giggle to myself at my own little joke. I think its fun and I think you should give it a try. Yes, you, the reader of this who shuns a pleasant one-on-one conversation with yourself. Forget about what society deems appropriate and inappropriate! Rise up and say to yourself, “I will talk to me and not feel weird about it!!”

Who’s to stop you?! No one but yourself, and that’s exactly who needs to be talked to. In fact, for your first in-depth conversation with yourself why not discuss this? I think this is a noteworthy topic to debate with you. Discuss and debate to your heart’s content about why you should—or should not—talk to yourself. You’ll be fascinated by the results, I assure you.

In fact, I’m often very surprised at the conclusions I draw when I talk to me. I’ll find that I hold a certain opinion about someone or something that I didn’t think I felt; that the answer to a math problem is actually very simple once I say it aloud; that perhaps I need to cut back on the Coke (uh-Cola) because it’s making me very hyper and wanting to talk to myself more and more.

Although I’ve intended this blog to be taken facetiously, I will say one thing somewhat serious. I’ve had many conversations with myself that have gone a million different ways about a million different topics, but one thing that occurs much more often then one would think is that I constantly surprise myself. Not amaze—surprise. And I think that’s something a lot of people lose as they get older. The sense of never knowing what’s going to happen is often subdued and I think that’s unfortunate. I like the idea that I don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s often times terrifying, but many more times reassuring. Life is full of surprises and that does not exclude surprising myself—with me.

What I’m listening to: Band on the Run – Paul McCartney & Wings, Here Today – Paul McCartney (this was Paul’s tribute to John after he was murdered and it is truly beautiful)

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