Friday, June 25, 2010

Catharticism thy name is me.

Life hasn’t been going the way I planned lately. I’ve been sick virtually all summer. I went to the doctor, they gave me antibiotics, I feel a lot better--but I’m still not 100%. This is summer! I shouldn’t have walking pneumonia!

And don’t get me started on college. Well, actually, I will get started because I want to vent. My complete and total disregard for high school and grades and such has finally caught up to me to a degree.

My plan is to go to junior college for two years or possibly shorter and then transfer to the University of California, Santa Cruz. My favorite place in the world and it has one of the best college radio stations in the country, so it’s all good. That plan is still the same. I just didn’t know where I wanted to go to junior college. There’s a community college right down the road from UCSC, and you can actually make a deal where you go to that junior college, but you live in the dorms of UCSC. Or I can live at home and go to the JC right down the road. I really, really, really wanted to go the JC in Santa Cruz, live in the dorms, etc. I just researched it, and I found out I needed to get a certain GPA in high school in order to do that deal, and I didn’t get that GPA. Alas, that’s a dream that can’t be fulfilled.

Regardless, it’s not the worst thing in the world and I don’t have much of a problem with going to this JC down the road. Except, why is it so immensely difficult and convoluted to sign up for a transfer and some classes? Maybe it’s a sign of this generation, but I so much prefer doing things over the internet. It’s easier because you can do it on your own time and you don’t have to deal with other people that you don’t want to deal with. But, there are so many steps and they’re all disjointed and it’s just so fucking (pardon the language) difficult. This is when I wish I could still talk to my high school counselor. That woman would’ve helped me with this shit.

*sigh* Life’s just not working out like I had hoped right now.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're in a funk. This is the first of many journeys you will take as a man ... the first steps are always the hardest until you get your pace down. You are officially grown!

    PS Sorry about the sick thing. I've got a touch of something as well. N
